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A brief note 


GUY GREY-SMITH was born in Wagin, WA,  in 1916. He was shot down while serving as a bomber pilot early in World War 2, and while a prisoner of war began a lifelong association with art. After repatriation he remained in England, having married Helen Stanes, seen here, in 1939, and studied art at the Chelsea School of Art. After returning to Perth he held many successful exhibitions Australia-wide, as well as representing his country, internationally. He taught painting at (now) Curtin University, and from 1977 to 1980 he was a member of the Australia Council's Visual Arts Board. Guy moved to Pemberton about 1974, but he continued to fly around the state, painting and drawing, in his own small Cessna.

Guy died in August 1981, of tuberculosis, which he first contacted while he was a prisoner of war.

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